Florida's Chief Justice marks 'milestone' felony jury trial in Flagler County

Jury selection began this morning in Bunnell for a felony jury trial in Flagler County. In-person jury trials were suspended more than five months ago in response to the public health emergency.

“Resuming jury trials is an important milestone for Florida’s courts and the people we serve,” said Chief Justice Charles Canady. “Chief Judge Raul Zambrano and Circuit Judge Terence Perkins prepared carefully for the safe conduct of this proceeding in Flagler County, along with all the justice partners involved. I appreciate the care taken to follow evidence-based best practices for this trial and elsewhere around the state as courts continue to work diligently.”

The in-person trial begun today in the Seventh Judicial Circuit’s Flagler County complies with standards for courts to operate to the extent consistent with public safety.

“Improving health conditions in Flagler County meet the criteria adopted to protect the health of participants,” Canady said. “It’s welcome progress for the judicial branch and Florida, in step with improving conditions there and elsewhere in the state.”

Safe Steps

Canady has taken a series of actions to protect public health and ensure the continuation of work that could be done through the safest means available. The health criteria for resuming jury trials and expanding operations are based on recommendations of a COVID-19 Workgroup and public health guidelines. Criteria similarly guide appropriate responses to deteriorating health conditions, if they develop, including reversion to more restrictive operations as necessary. Under the Workgroup’s direction, and in partnership with the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers and The Florida Bar, a video and public education material for prospective jurors was created. It provides information about new procedures in place at courthouses and for people responding to summonses for jury service. The video can be seen at www.Steps2SafeCourts.org.

By Paul Flemming
Last Modified: November 06, 2020